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When should I replace my batteries?

You should replace your vape batteries when they no longer hold a charge effectively or exhibit signs of wear and tear. Here are some indicators that it might be time to replace your vape batteries:

  • Decreased Battery Life: If your batteries are running out of power more quickly than they used to, it's a sign that they're aging. This reduced battery life can be especially noticeable if you use high-wattage settings on your vape device.
  • Slow Charging: If your batteries take significantly longer to charge compared to when they were new, it's a sign of battery degradation.
  • Inconsistent Performance: If you notice inconsistent power output, misfires, or a drop in vapor production, your batteries may be the culprit.
  • Physical Damage: Check your batteries for physical damage, such as dents, leaks, or a swollen appearance. Damaged batteries should be replaced immediately for safety reasons.
  • Excessive Heat: If your batteries get unusually hot during use, it could indicate a problem. It's normal for batteries to get warm, but excessive heat is a sign of trouble.
  • Change in Resistance: Batteries can impact the resistance of your coil. If you notice that your coil resistance is changing unexpectedly, it might be due to battery issues.
  • Age: Most rechargeable vape batteries have a limited lifespan, typically measured in charge cycles (a full discharge and recharge). After a certain number of cycles (usually several hundred), battery performance starts to decline.

Remember that the lifespan of your batteries can vary depending on factors like usage patterns, battery quality, and how well you take care of them. It's essential to use high-quality batteries from reputable manufacturers and handle them with care to ensure safe and efficient vaping. When replacing batteries, be sure to follow safety guidelines and dispose of old batteries properly.