Help Center/Vape Issues/

Gurgling Sound?

1. Why do I hear a gurgling sound when I vape, and why is the vapor production so low?

Hearing a gurgling sound and experiencing low vapor production can be signs of a minor issue with your vaping setup. While it's not uncommon, it's generally not how your vape should perform.

2. What causes the gurgling sound and low vapor production?

Several factors can lead to gurgling and low vapor production:

  • Flooded Coil: If e-liquid floods the coil and overwhelms it, it can create a gurgling sound and hinder vapor production.
  • Condensation: Condensation can accumulate in the airflow and chimney, affecting vapor flow.
  • Improper Wick/Wicking: If the wicking material doesn't adequately transport e-liquid to the coil, it can lead to gurgling and dry hits.
  • Coil Flooding: If the coil is flooded with e-liquid, it may not vaporize efficiently.

3. How can I fix the gurgling sound and low vapor production?

To address these issues, consider the following steps:

  • Blow Through the Device: Without firing the device, blow gently through the mouthpiece to clear excess e-liquid and condensation.
  • Adjust Your Inhale: Try adjusting your inhale technique. Slower, more controlled draws can help reduce flooding.
  • Check and Adjust Coil: Ensure the coil is properly seated and secure. Adjust it if necessary.
  • Clean the Airflow: Clean the airflow openings and chimney to remove any accumulated condensation.
  • Replace or Re-wick the Coil: If the coil is flooded or not wicking correctly, consider replacing it or re-wicking it according to your device's design.

4. How can I prevent gurgling and low vapor production in the future?

Preventing these issues involves proper maintenance:

  • Change Coils Regularly: Replace coils as recommended by the manufacturer. Old coils can contribute to gurgling and low vapor production.
  • Prime New Coils: Before using a new coil, prime it by adding a few drops of e-liquid onto the wick. This helps prevent flooding.
  • Maintain Proper E-Liquid Levels: Keep your tank or pod adequately filled but avoid overfilling.
  • Clear Condensation: Periodically clean and clear any condensation from your device to maintain proper airflow.

5. Is the gurgling sound and low vapor production harmful?

While a gurgling sound and low vapor production are generally not harmful, they can be frustrating and indicate that your device isn't functioning as it should. Continued use without addressing these issues might lead to an unpleasant vaping experience.

6. Can I keep vaping if I hear a gurgling sound and have low vapor production?

It's not advisable to continue vaping if you're experiencing gurgling and low vapor production. This can lead to an unsatisfactory experience and potentially harm your device. It's best to address and resolve the issues before using your device again.

7. What should I do if these issues persist after trying to fix them?

If the problems persist despite trying the above solutions, consider seeking assistance from a vaping expert or contacting the manufacturer of your device. They can provide more specific guidance to address the issues you're facing.