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Does Vape Juice Go Bad or Expire?

When stored properly, your E-Juice can maintain its quality for approximately 2 years. However, the shelf life of your vape juice, whether it's a premixed product or a DIY blend, can be influenced by various factors, with the most common ones being nicotine oxidation and flavor degradation.

What is nicotine oxidation?
In simple terms, nicotine vape juices should be stored in a cool place, away from direct sunlight. Exposure to direct sunlight, higher temperatures, or prolonged periods with the bottle open can result in a harsher throat hit and a peppery aftertaste when vaping your juice.

What is Flavor Degradation?
Flavor degradation refers to the gradual loss of flavor in your vape juice or DIY mix. You may notice a subtle change in flavor or a slight chemical taste. If you're using a premixed nicotine-based E-Juice, you might also experience a peppery taste and a harsher throat hit due to the nicotine.

There are several ways to determine if your E-Juice has expired:

  • Check the expiry date on the label.
  • The batch number can also provide valuable information. If you suspect any issues with your vape juice, contact the retailer and provide them with the batch number.
  • Your juice might appear darker than usual due to nicotine oxidation.
  • Keep an eye out for a muted flavor, a harsher throat hit, or a lingering chemical aftertaste.
  • In rarer cases, your vape juice or DIY mix might emit an unpleasant odor.